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JBoss Developer Recent Posts for Project JBoss MicroContainer

3 years of WildFly Gource Animation
It is all the rage now at JBoss to generate Gource videos of the source code repositories for our projects giving some very pretty results.The first w…
Simpler Audit Logging Example for WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha4
Tomaz on the WildFly team pointed out that my previous blog post on secure audit logging in WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha4 was a bit too scary :-) So I'd like t…
Setting up Secure Audit Logging to a Remote Rsyslog Instance in WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha4
WildFly is the new name for JBoss Application Server. It builds on the same architecture as JBoss Application Server 7. WildFly is the upstream for JB…
Transylvania Java User Group Roundup
I just got back from the presenting JBoss Application Server 7 at the Transylvania User Group last night. I didn't know much about Romania before I we…
JBoss AS 7 at Transylvania JUG
I'll be going to Transylvania to present at the Transylvania Java User Group on 13 March.I'll be talking about the recently released JBoss AS 7. I'll …
JBoss AS 7 at Devoxx
I just got back from my first ever Devoxx, and it is a really great conference - I was very pleasantly surprised! The auditoriums for the main talks w…
Getting started with JBoss Application Server 7.0.0 CR1 in minutes
JBoss Application Server 7.0.0 CR1 was released this morning (GMT). I'm sure Jason Greene, the AS 7 lead will post more details in the next day or two…
Microcontainer Inspector Tool Update
The Microcontainer Inspector Tool build did not work following the move to our new Maven repository at JBoss. I have updated the build and also change…
JBoss User Group Belgium
I've been invited to talk at the Belgian JBoss User Group near Antwerp on 3rd June. The title of my talk will be "What's Cooking in JBoss AS 6" and I …
JSR-330 and Qualifiers in the JBoss Microcontainer
The latest JBoss Microcontainer jboss-kernel 2.2.0.Alphas contain support for the @javax.inject.Inject and @javax.inject.Qualifier annotations from JS…
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